font Falling in love with a font After using the same font for everything, I recently fell in love with this absolutely beautiful and extremely readable font.
programming Intellij IDEA losing focus in stumpwm on Linux Or why Oracle sucks! I just installed Intellij today, not to replace Emacs (or Eclipse for Liferay stuff), but to use for things like PHP (which sucks) that Emacs doesn't have very good
drupal Posting to Drupal sites from Emacs I just discovered that the weblogger-mode for GNU/Linux can be used to post content to Drupal websites. Posting new content to my sites should be a breeze from now on. This should
misc Blog in emacs org-mode with autopublish with jekyll and git I forgot to post this here before now. A couple of months ago I finally got a new quick to post to blog up and running, since I hardly ever seem to update
gnu-linux My life inside Emacs: Twitter Today I came across a great add-on for Emacs: TwIt. TwIt is quite simply a Twitter plug-in for Emacs with an optional mode. You can post tweets, follow your friends tweets, list your